Thursday, 3 March 2016

Εγκεκριμένο Πρόγραμμα Εθελοντισμού στη Ρουμανία

Πρόγραμμα στη Ρουμανία για Έλληνες εθελοντές
τίτλος: Sighisoara Multilingva
διάρκεια: 7 1/2 μήνες
έναρξη : 1.4.2016 
Οργανισμός υποδοχής: Wild Carpathia, Romania
EVS volunteers will work in mixed teams for the achievement of the following types of activities:
- The volunteers will help 6 local organizations or public institution in promoting their activities online and offline in Romanian language and also in English. The volunteers will develop journalistic abilities by making brochures, e-pages, video / photo reportages, street interviews, multimedia materials, etc.
- The volunteers will organize foreign language interactive courses for young people in Sighisoara (in their own native languages
-  The volunteers will promote Sighisoara and the local community on-line through their native languages  by creating blogs, wiki encyclopedias, etc
- The volunteers will support Wild Carpathia’s team in selecting and preparing local youngsters for sending them as EVS volunteers in other countries
- The volunteers will develop monthly events to promote European diversity and multilingualism like intercultural evenings, bingo quiz nights, karaoke nights, etc.
The volunteers will work between 5 – 7 hours/day, 5 days/week and will have 2 free days each month.
The volunteers will share a rented house and will have full access to wi-fi. 


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