Saturday, 28 September 2013

EVS project in Hungary!

Búzaszem Foundation from Hungary are looking for one EVS volunteer with specific profile (see below) in our EVS project with topic of sport  and youth leisure. We plan to host two volunteers at the same time. A Spanish boy are selected. We still look for ONLY a GIRL for this position.

There are some fix point of the project. 

  • HO is an elementary school with children aged between 7-15 years old.
  • It is a christian school. What does it mean in everyday practise? There is no any obligation with christian background for EVS volunteers. 
  • Tasks of the volunteers: sport and free time activities: basicly it depends on volunteers background. Mostly: futball, valleyball, badminton, excursions, cycling, canoeing on the river Danube, in winter ice skating and hockey (if winter is very cold the lake of our town will be iced over otherwise not), méta (it is a special Hungarian sport something like baseball), orgainse championships and other competitions, chess. Unfortunatelly we do not have gym but we have a wonderful river (Danube) and a very good cycle road in nice nature.
  • There is a sport movement in our town called Enter only by families. It means something like all family members are invited from little children up to grandparents. It would be nice to participate in this movement. 
  • We would like to establish a cultural-linguistic club in the town for youngsters aged from 16 year old. In this club young people could practice the language, it means only speaking and talking. There is no books and excercises books. Only talking about interesting topics and do someting while talk to each other, for example cooking or hiking or any other else thing. 
  • Presentations about health culture for children: moving, eating and so on. A medical doctor will help in this task. 
  • Volunteers will live in a rented flat with personal rooms. Do not take into consideration details about accommodation at local families indicated in EVS database decription.

Búzaszem Foundation have specialities in Hungarian traditional arts (music, dance), sport and youth leisure. For this reason, volunteers should have skills in most of these areas: 

  • sports and moving, leisure time activities
  • traditional folk arts (dance, mucis, songs etc) 
  • good IT and / or communication skills e.g. use of social media, blogging,
  • video, photography, creating newsletters etc 
  • a strong interest in and desire to work with children and young people 
  • assist in the cultural-lingusitic club

You can find project description in EVS database:

See relevant application call on youthnwetworks where you can find details of selection process and any other conditions.

Please send CV and application form of interested candidates as soon as possible. 

Please send you answer to

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